
How to have an ISO certification without making the adequacy painful

The dream of many companies when it comes to process excellence, ends up obtaining an NBR/ISO 9001 certification, but the process for this goal can be quite painful, especially if the current status of the company does not meet the minimum that the legislation requires. To help in this process, here are some steps to be taken so that the adequacy occurs in a gradual and efficient way.

1. Make the decision together with the leaders

The decision to have an ISO 9001 certification is not individual and does not depend only on a part of the company. It needs the support of all the teams involved, from implementation to final adjustments to achieve the seal. Therefore, when the time is right, the ideal is to bring together the company’s leaders to verify that certification should actually be the company’s goal.

2. Predict project costs

Besides not being an individual project, it is also not usually cheap. Having well planned costs, predicting unforeseen and the manpower needed to implement the actions is of paramount importance. Keep in mind that the investment is proportional:

3. Train not just the implementation team but everyone involved

Having a team involved in the project, will make the process much less time consuming and painful, because if there is resistance from employees, the schedules always end up delaying. For this does not occur, periodic training, presenting the advantages of having a certification is indispensable, because everyone needs to have the vision of improvement of the organization and not only management.

4. Having a third-party implementation team can make it easier

The team involved in the actions of improvement and modifications of irregular routines, cannot have vices or personal relationships with workers or employees, so that it has coldness in the time to correct or change something, and clarity in the time to guide the staff.

There are many certifications that a business can aim for, but having these points in mind can result:

  • Respected schedules and projects
  • Optimized processes
  • Less stressed staff at implementation time
  • Certification audit with less or no adjustments

It no longer needs to be a dream, it is possible to have your ISSO 9001 certification, just rely on available technology, specialized people, and organization at the time of planning. Here at Kivalita, we specialize in Certifications for pharmaceutical, cosmetic, veterinary, sanitarian, homeopathic and other companies, and we are ready to assist your company, but if you still have questions about whether an ISO certification is worth it, click here and find out now!

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